Our Connecticut Junior Affiliate Program

  • We encourage our members to enroll their children and grandchildren as Junior Affiliate Members. Our Juniors Committee puts together age-appropriate programs and educational materials to engage these young members with their Mayflower heritage. 

  • At age18, Junior enrollees are encouraged to join as regular members.

  • Our Junior enrollment fee is $50.00

  • Click here to download the Junior Affiliate Enrollment form. 

  • If you have further inquiries about the program, please contact the Junior Affiliate Program Chair, Judi Thompson Paige, at jpheart67@gmail.com

Our Connecticut Scholarship Program                            

  • Each year we award the Mrs. Henry G. Isham Scholarship, and the Bernice A. Livingston Rieg / Jordan Konov Scholarship.

  • Both scholarships adhere to the same guidelines and deadlines.

  • Any graduating high school senior who is a Member of Connecticut Mayflower Society or a Junior Affiliate member whose sponsor's membership status is in good standing in the Connecticut Mayflower Society is eligible for these scholarships Applicant must be a lineal descendant of a Mayflower passenger.

  • Academic achievement, extra-curricular involvement, community service and financial need are considered in the review of each application.

  • Applicants must have confirmed plans to attend a college or university to be considered as a bona fide scholarship applicant and must provide evidence of actual acceptance at a college or university prior to receiving this award.

  • The completed application and all required documentation must be received by March 1st each year.

  • Completed applications should be sent to sent to Scholarship Chairman listed on the application.

  • Click here to download our scholarship form and instructions.

  • If you have further inquiries about the program, please contact the Scholarship Committee Chair, Michael Pollock, at mikepollock8039@comcast.net